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6 tactics for building your email marketing strategy to make their Inbox happy.

Throughout the day, our inbox is flooded with emails but how many times do we care enough to open even one of them?

The probability of an email getting opened with a clear call to action is rare.

Below are the ways in which you can be a mail-man who is happily welcomed when he reaches the inbox.

  • A catchy subject line and a preview text-

  • A catchy subject line serves the appetite of the reader pretty well. Oh yes, with this, you have started the game well and now, you can hope that your subscribers will not just skim through it. Look around and know more about popular culture and trending news. Include a famous movie line or dialogue, play with phrases and then create pun-ny subject lines. A quick and quirky question or a command with an answer, right in the beginning of the email, will ensure that your reader stays till the end.

  • Let the simplicity do the talking-

  • Breathe in, simplicity. Breathe out, mechanism. Yeah. We can not assume that all your subscribers read each and every email so we need to be crisp and concise. The less information and technical jargons in the mail, the better it can communicate to the layman. Make short and punchy paragraphs, your thing.

  • Cut down the corporate and have a friendly tone-

  • A friend in need is a friend indeed. Have a conversational voice which not just reaches their inbox when you need them but also when they need you. A helpful and useful message in your mail will make you more trustworthy.

  • 1 unread. Reads. Presses delete. Goes to the trash. For sure, you don’t want your emails to have this journey.

  • Make your emails more personal as it is meant for only one person to read.

  • Use less of we and more of you -

  • The power of you in the persuade is what you need to know. Most of the emails reach the inbox which has a mandatory board of ‘no entry’. If they will know exactly, what is in it for them to open it, they would never hesitate. The next time you drop a sweet hello, make sure you directly address the reader and not talk in monologues. Make your emails interactive, try having a conversation rather than a serious business talk.

  • Engage first Sell later -

  • Talk to them. Have a fruitful interaction. Don’t hammer them with the new developments of your business. Highlight the benefits of your product in a seamless manner. To gain more loyal customers, engagement is essential. Make your designs visually appealing or by using stories with videos and clips to create an emotional impact. We all know, how we crave for personalized experiences. Solve their problems. Be considerate when you tell them to buy your services.

  • Make the most of their time -

  • Your subscriber’s time is precious and we should care for it. Make your text and images, readable and easily scan-able so that it is mobile friendly.

  • Give them some business tips, conduct giveaways or contests, send them a round of the best blog content with links, celebratory or milestone emails with different rewards.

  • Define a clear call to action so that they know what to expect from it. Be generous towards your readers. Send them gentle reminders about important deadlines by telling them what they will miss.

  • Phew. Just put a break there. The first rule of emails is to stop thinking they are a way to market. Make them sweet, make them warm, be more real. Think beyond it. Think out of the box to get inside their inbox